Wednesday, July 05, 2006

A Fitting End?

I hated this man. I was so pleased when he was convicted, and I was looking forward to his sentencing this fall. Lay ruined thousands of lives with his greed and lies. I wonder how many innocent victims died of heart attacks as a result of his evil?
While talking about his demise, the first reactions from friends and family were interesting. Not one person expressed any condolences for him or his family. Actually, there were two typical reactions. Upon hearing of his death, people either asked "did he kill himself?" or "they better check that body to make sure it is really him". I think that sums up the situation pretty well.
I still feel cheated out of the pleasure I would have had watching him being carted off to jail. Although, there is always Skilling.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Delay Announces Resignation From House

I could not be happier. Former bug man and current indicted criminal is doing the right thing and vacating the office that he has abused for two decades. It's about time the trash was taken out in Washington.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

There ought to be a law...

Grand Imam Mohammed Sayyed Tantawi of al-Azhar University, the world's highest Sunni Muslim seat of learning(whatever) said the Danish prime minister must apologize for the drawings(if you don't know about the drawings, you must be living under a rock) and further demanded that the world's religious leaders meet to write a law that "condemns insulting any religion, including the Holy Scriptures and the prophets." He said the United Nations should impose the law on all countries.
I have an idea, let's just do away with any form of free-thought. Better yet, let's outlaw sarcasm. Now there's an idea I could get behind.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

...and I thought baptists were scary

Apparently no one is allowed to draw caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad without causing mass protests and global embassy burnings.
This blog could go so many ways. I could take the "violence is never the answer" route. Or maybe the "what are they so pissed off about" route. Perhaps the "I'm mad 'cus I don't have the same civil liberties as most others but you don't see me burning down Pat Robertson's house" route. I could get really bigoted and go down the "if you would take some anger management classes and stop beating your wife and making her wear that ridiculous shrouded outfit in 102 degree weather" route. There is also the "I've seen gay Jesus, black Jesus(closer to the truth, deal), lounge singer Jesus, Jesus having sex and ice skating Jesus but I don't remember an embassy being burned down as a result" road.
But the truth for me is "The world would be a much better place without any religion." That's a direct quote from someone I met at a dinner party several years ago and I totally agreed with her. I can hear the gasps now. I'm not suggesting the immediate outlaw of all religion, just suggesting a wish that the concept of religion had never occurred to mankind. That's my opinion. Get over it.