Sunday, October 21, 2007

Blast From The Past

I was recently looking for something in the back of my closet and came upon a game of Pente. For those of you not familiar with this board game, it was popular in the 70's. That is when someone gave the game to me as a present. I have always loved playing it even though sometimes years will go by when I don't play a single game. It's like a long lost friend every time I find the game.

The game consists of a board divided into small squares and two or four sets of small, glass beads. The object of the game is to get 5 of your beads in a row or capture 5 pairs of your opponents beads.

Anyway, after I found the game in the closet and not having anyone to play with I of course did the next logical thing and searched the net. Bingo was found. I love this site. There is a group of regulars and some novices. The online game can be played two ways. One way is to play live against an opponent or against the computer using a java window. The other method is called a turn-based game where each player logs in whenever they feel like it and makes a move. I like both ways, especially since the java method won't work through the firewall at my job.

It's a very easy game to play and the people on the site seem willing to entertain questions from beginners. There is also a lot of online help available. Check it out.

Saturday, October 13, 2007 has new forum

I think it was my friend Karen that turned me on to this little site but I'm not sure. Anyway now has a forum. I like forums. I usually don't sign up, instead I prefer to lurk. You might want to check the site out. It's really maintained very well and not as ghoulish as the name implies.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Sorry for the delay

It's been a very long time since I last posted. In fact it has been so long that when I logged into Blogger they had changed the entire log in procedure.
I promise to try to be better at posting more often. The whole reason that I decided to update my site right now is because I have been on hold with a company on the phone so long that I ran through every bookmarked website I have in my favorites and this was the last one. I've been on hold about 30 or 40 minutes and now it has become a test of will....oh my god they answered the phone while I was typing this sentence. So a 40 minute wait was handled in a 30 second conversation. Well I'm glad that is over. OK gotta go. See you soon. P.S. love the new spellcheck feature.