Sunday, May 22, 2005

Bigots in charge


The amendment has been cleared to appear on a statewide ballot November 2005. Of course it will pass. Texas is filled with uneducated, hateful, fearful hicks.

This would mark the first time in history that a minority group would be singled out in the constitution in order to be denied rights. Constitutions are historically treated as sacred documents, designed to preserve rights and ensure equality for all.

Shame on the Texas lawmakers for allowing this amendment to pass the Senate. They should be ashamed of themselves. The hatred I feel for them right now is only tempered by my knowledge that eventually they will be defeated in reelection bids and will fade into oblivion as lonely, bitter, homophobes who pandered to the lowest common denominator in order to justify their lives.

I'm thankful that our government includes the judicial system which will eventually overturn this piece of hate legislation.

1 comment:

finijo said...

I am linking this post. I was saddened by this news when I heard it, but I've got my voter registration card and my picture ID ready for November. The pendulum has got to start swinging back the other way before the Republicans do damage that can't be undone.